5% seats are reserved for SC/ST and remaining seats are opened to all. Admission is restricted by the policies of the management, the condition of age, ability and conduct of the child irrespective of cast, colour or religion. Hence admission will be based on an entrance test/interview and merits at the discretion of the management in accordance with the rules and regulations of the C.B.S.E. and Educa­tion Department. The child will be re-admitted to Standard I after the completion of U.K.G.


L.K.G. – The child seeking admission to L.K.G. should com­plete 3 1/2 years before academic year begins in June.

U.K.G.- The studnets who are not under 4 1/2 years of age on 1 st June of the year of admission.

Class 1- The students who are not under 5 1/2 years or 6 years of age on 1 st June of the year of admission.

Class 9 -The students who are not under 13 years of age or over 14 years of age on 1 st June of the year of ad­mission and studying in Class 8th or 9th.


Principal / School management reserves the right to re­ject any application without assigning any reason thereof.