All Students are expected to wear the prescribed school uniform on all working days, white & white on every Wednesday.


  1. Students should arrive at the school at 9.20 a.m. every day. No one who comes late will be admitted to the class without permission
  2. Irregular attendance, habitual negligence of school work; dishonesty, obscenity in words or acts, misconduct or threats are sufficient reasons for dismissal.
  3. Every student shall have with him/her the test books and’ note books required for the class. NO BOOKS OTHER THAN SCHOOL BOOKS MAY BE BROUGHT TO THE SCHOOL
  4. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of money, books, clothes etc. It is not advisable to bring valu­able articles to the school. Wearing of gold ornaments in the school is strictly forbidden.
  5. Respect to teachers and elders should be given at all times. Every student must politely wish the teachers on the oc­casion of his/ her first meeting them in the day.
  6. No shouting, whistling or running about in the corridors or the school building is allowed. It is strictly forbidden to throw anything at others.
  7. 7.    The school premises will have to be kept neat and clean and all the waste materials must be deposited in the waste-paper basket. No waste materials should be thrown out through the windows.
  8. In the absence of the teacher, the prefect will in charge of the class and all the students should obey his/her directions.
  9. Those students who are commuting on by-cycle are not allowed to linger around to talk while on road. No over­loading is allowed.
  10. It is strictly forbidden to write or scribble on the walls/ fur­niture or in any way cause damage to the school proper­ties. Any such act shall entail punishment and recovery of the cost.
  11. The school shall not take the responsibility or liability for an unforeseen incident, like accident or illness of student, that may happen at school during the school hours. How­ever, minor injuries or sickness during the school hours shall be attended by the school authorities,
  12. In matters of promotion and detention, the decision of the principal is final.
  13. Informal dress is permitted to only one day per week or on child’s birthday.
  14. Speaking English is compulsory on every day – in school campus programmes news writing, reading & other dis­plays follows the same order.
  15. Workbook & assignment books will be kept in the school itself in the locker in each class.
  16. All students have to cultivate the habit of morning and evening prayers and prayer before food.
  17. Remedial teaching for slow learners & enrichment programme for the gifted, counseling and personality development for all students are compulsory.
  18. Insurance and Banking for children are also compulsory